与ASIAN MMS 2016 & CCMMS 2016签订做网站合同


项目名称:ASIANMMS2016&CCMMS2016做网站 签订时间:2019-2-25 项目网址:www.ismnm.org 公司简介: 2016IFToMMAsianConferenceonMechanismandMach

项目名称:ASIAN MMS 2016 & CCMMS 2016做网站




2016 IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM Asian MMS 2016)
Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science is a series international conference of IFToMM, which aim at enhancing cross communication among researchers, industry professionals and students in the fields of mechanism and machine science. The first IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science was held in Taipei in 2010. The second conference was held in Tokyo in 2012. The third conference was held in Tianjin in 2014. The fourth conference will be held on December 15-17, 2016 at Guangzhou. The ASIAN MMS 2016 will provide a comprehensive global forum for experts and participants to exchange ideas and present results of ongoing research in mechanism and machine science. All accepted paper will be recommended to EI.
2016 International Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (CCMMS 2016)
The International Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science of China (CCMMS), formerly known as mechanism forum of China organized by Mechanism committee of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society. The conferences have held 19 times successfully since 1982, which became an international one from the 15th conference. The 2016 CCMMS conference is the main forum in mainland China for the exchange of ideas, presentation of technical and scientific achievements, and discussion of future directions of mechanism and machine science originated in 1982. CCMMS 2016 will be held on December 15-17, 2016 at Guangzhou Combining with the Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science.

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