与SINUOPH Electronic Co., Ltd签订做网站协议


项目名称:SINUOPHElectronicCo.,Ltd做网站 项目网址:www.sinuophelecs.com 公司简介: SINUOPHelectronicisanagentforIC,Diode,Semiconduct

项目名称:SINUOPH Electronic Co., Ltd做网站



SINUOPH electronic is an agent for IC, Diode, Semiconductor, Transistor, Capacitor, MOS Tube, LED, Memory IC, I/O Module, EMI Filter, Inductor, Resistor, Relay, Motor & Drives, Switch, Fuse, Thermistor, Optoelectronics, Connector, Fiber Optic, FPC/FFC, Controller, Industrial Switch, Battery, Passive Component, Sensor, Fan, Heat Sink, Wire and Cable etc of worldwide brands as TI, Intel, ST, Vishay, Morata, Infineon, Maxim, ADI, Samsung, Panasonic, TE, Molex, Micron, Toshiba etc as China brands as well. Application for communication equipment, medical and healthcare, digital display, smart home appliance, security system and equipment, industry power supply, aerospace industry etc electronics equipment manufacturing service.
SINUOPH electronic also is an agent for bearing and various types of bearing, application for General motors, household appliances, instruments, internal combustion engines, construction machinery, railway vehicles, handling machinery, agricultural machinery, various industrial machinery, transmissions, electrical device parts, machine tool spindles, high-frequency motors, gas turbines, centrifugal separators, small cars Front wheel, differential pinion shaft, machine tool spindle, high-frequency motor, gas turbine, centrifugal separator, small car front wheel, differential pinion shaft etc
SINUOPH electronic located in Shenzhen China, next to Hong Kong, is convenience for import and export products to customers, provide better service to our customers.

宏达网络科技  佛山市可琪卫浴有限公司  复印机再制造厂家  留学服务中心  光产业技术创新服务平台  台州旅游网  捷强五金制品厂  农资人家园  恒讯IT数码网上超市  高雄鳳山區金永當舖  权金龙电子  天津市海洋开关  欢迎回家iGarden田园城市